Wednesday, October 26, 2011

IKMTYS-A silent epidemic

I know it has been some time since I've posted. I do apologize. But to be honest, the phone usage mistakes I've been dealing with have been variations on topics we've already covered. However, I find that a review of listening is in order, as a lack of listening skill can be an indication of a much more insidious problem. Below is an overview of a conversation I had just yesterday that I hope will bring attention to this important issue. We will then discuss! (and by we I mean me-comments are disabled.)

Me-Answer the phone with my company name
Me-Hello (my company name)
Me-This is (my company name)
Her-Yeah, I need to speak with John Gobldygook
Me-I'm sorry, what was the last name?
Me-I'm sorry, I don't have anyone with that name. Were you trying to reach (my company name)?
Me-I am sorry, but there is no one here by that name.
Her-He's your CEO!
Me-No ma'am. My CEO's name is not similar to that.
Her-Is this blah blah blah bank in Florida?
Me-No. This is (my company name).

Now, shall we look at where things went wrong, and why I am concerned? Yes, let's do that. First, I said my company name five times before she actually listened to the words I spoke. And frankly, I'm quite sure that she would not have listened to those words had she not first asked the question (granted, technically it was the third time she asked but we'll assume the call started with a somewhat bad connection). This was a classic symptom that she is indeed suffering from the illness I'll describe shortly.

The second symptom that causes me to believe there is a problem occurred when I asked her if she was trying to reach (my company name). She experienced an auditory hallucination. This is where you hear something that did not happen. In this instance, while I said (my company name) she registered Blah blah blah bank in Florida (but maybe you hear music sometimes even though there is no music playing, these things happen). Based on the rest of our conversation, she likely does not have a hearing problem, but rather a cluster of symptoms related to IKMTYS. She probably does not need to check with her doctor to get a referral to a hearing specialist, but she is certainly in need of help. What is this IKMTYS anyway? Please continue reading!

This woman appears to be suffering from a bit of "I Know More Than You Syndrome" (for the remainder of this post to be referred to as IKMTYS - it's a lot to type). Symptoms can include a listening impairment, a hearing what you want to hear auditory hallucination, and and unreasonable belief that what someone is telling you is not accurate. Now, we all suffer from this here and there, and it's been documented as far back as before the concept of time (or documentation). I would hope that most of us recognize the symptoms and give ourselves a swift kick in the tush. This is the most readily available treatment for the symptoms of IKMTYS, though there is debate as to whether or not it is an effective form of treatment for the sufferer (though it has been shown to help those close to the sufferer cope with the disease). Most experts agree a large dose of reality is in order. However, sufferers of IKMTYS rarely agree to this form of treatment as it can be too brutal for their egos to handle. Sadly, there is no known cure and without immediate treatment many people progress from the early stages of the disease to full blown "I know everything am never wrong and I'm NOT a total jerk now bow down and kiss my feet! Disease" IKEANWAINATJNBDAKMFD if you like. A complete recovery after developing the late stages of this disease has yet to be documented.

I know I'm a receptionist and not a doctor (or am I...?). I am aware that I cannot officially diagnose this woman with IKMTYS. But the signs are there and I hope she gets help soon.

I want to impress upon you the most obvious symptom presented in this conversation. Because, while it is indeed obvious to me (I deal with sufferers of this disorder on a fairly regular basis) it may perhaps be more subtle to you. I'm speaking (metaphorically of course as I am actually typing at the moment) about the part where she shouted - yes, shouted - that John Doe is in fact the CEO of my company. It is much more likely that I know who the CEO of my company is rather than this woman since I work here (and have worked here for, oh, more than a couple hours). By shouting about who the CEO of my company was, she displayed the final characteristic of IKMTYS - assuming the person you're speaking with knows nothing about the subject at hand.

My hope is this poor woman is in the early stages of IKMTYS and her friends and family will intervene. Early detection is key!

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